Transportation Lighting Management

نام فایل : Transportation Lighting Management فرمت فایل، ppt تعداد صفحه : 31 صفحه.

بخشی از متن فایل:

 Properly designed and installed roadway lighting can result in significant reductions in nighttime traffic accidents, act as a deterrent to crime, increase commercial activity, and improve aesthetic value.
 Roadway lighting increase traffic safety by enhancing the visibility of potential roadway hazards, other vehicles, pedestrians, and roadway geometrics.
 Pedestrians are among the largest beneficiaries of lighting installed on urban streets.
 Studies indicate reductions of up to 80% in pedestrian accidents and reductions ranging from 20% to 40% for all types of night accidents.
 Roadway lighting has been recognized as a viable countermeasure for increasing traffic safety since 1966.

در این فایل اقدام به معرفی و اهمیت روشنایی در راهها و تونلها و ... ( به زبان انگلیسی) شده است.

فهرست مطالب:

1-Benefits & fundamentals of Lighting
2-Facility & area classifications
3-Roadway lighting considerations
4-Tunnel lighting
5-Types of luminaries
6-Safety & supports
7-Pole types
8-Foundations & bases

با سپاس

برچسب ها: روشنایی راه آزادراه تونل تجهیزات ایمنی تصادف راحتی عابر مسافر وسایل نقلیه محلی کوچه شهر

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